15 Signs You Need Sleep Screening Test
For many of us, sleep can be elusive due to underlying sleep disorders. What signs do you need to watch for? Seattle Oral Care, a Sleep Clinic, recommends you to monitor for one or more of 15 signs that would warrant a Sleep Screening Test with a Sleep Specialist.
6 Surprising Facts about Sleep Apnea
As 1 in 7 American Adults are diagnosed with Sleep Apnea, you may benefit from learning a few surprising facts to learn and manage this common sleep disorder.
Should I see a Sleep Specialist?
Seattle Oral Care, a sleep clinic, provides several early warning signs for sleep disorders. You can use them to recognize if you need to see a Sleep Specialist.
Demystifying Sleep Apnea
39 Million Americans adults (15%) have Sleep Apnea, the most common sleep disorder. Seattle Oral Care, a sleep clinic with a certified sleep specialist, explains what it is and identifies the early indicators.
Sleep Hygiene?
Sleep Hygiene promotes good sleep quality. Learn from Seattle Oral Care, a Sleep Clinic, how to improve your sleep hygiene to help you address common sleep disorders such as sleep apnea, insomnia, and snoring.